Hosting Packages
Category : Uncategorized
In case anyone was interested, this blog site is hosted by BlueHost.
I have been very happy with the features and cost of this hosting provider.
I would like to note that some web applications use quite a bit of processing when creating image thumbnails etc. I have noticed that while I’m setting up gallery pages and things, I run out of CPU resources on the web server.
It is interesting at this point to think about the criteria put forth in choosing a web host. One criteria that doesn’t seem to be listed as often is CPU quota. Every couple minutes it seems to sample how much CPU my site is using, and actually turns off all access to any page on my site when I use too much.
And now for a comment I posted to Matt Heaton’s blog:
The solution is great. I don’t know how you do it for so many people.
I have a support question about my account that I’m not getting anywhere with support on. I was wondering if you offered another form of communication for answering my questions.
Recently, the security key changed for the bluehost server I’m using and it took quite a while for someone to tell me it was OK to proceed. However, when I ask for details, I get none and the ticket changes to ‘resolved’ without asking me if I felt it was resolved. I have the feeling they think it’s my first time logging in, and don’t feel very secure about the connection. If someone said that they reinstalled something on the server or moved the hardware or rebuilt the OS, I would be fine. I’m not satisfied with ‘it’s OK’ . It’s important to maintain security on the Internet, and blindly accepting man-in-the-middle attacks should not be something promoted by a major hosting company.
Sorry for this, but one more thing for now. I believe in saving time and money by implementing a support ticketing system. However, if the users are not trained properly, and clients need to phone in to resolve all issues, it may not help as much as it could.
Thanks for listening, again if there’s another venue for this communication, please let me know.
I’ll be editing this post a few more times, so look for more info in the future.